Easy Way to Cut Laminate Flooring  to Length

Floors Trading & Clearance Centre

Here's an easy way to cut laminate flooring to the desired length:

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Measure and mark: Measure the length you need the laminate flooring plank to be and make a precise mark on the laminate plank's decorative side.

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Prepare your tools: You'll need a few tools to cut laminate flooring.  The most common options are a circular saw, a jigsaw, or a laminate  flooring cutter.

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Blade selection:  If you're using a circular saw or jigsaw, ensure that  you have a fine-toothed blade suitable for cutting laminate flooring.

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Safety precautions: Prioritize safety by wearing protective goggles to shield your eyes from debris.

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Cut with a jigsaw: When using a jigsaw, place the laminate plank face  down on a stable surface, similar to the circular saw method.

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Use a laminate flooring cutter:  If you have access to a laminate  flooring cutter, it can be a convenient option for straight cuts.

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Finishing touches: After cutting the laminate plank, check the cut edge for any roughness or chipping.

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